Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Stuck at "kextd stall[n], (240s): 'AppleACPICPU'", Can not enter system.

Using latest Clover Configurator:

  • in APCI tab: uncheck APSN/APLF/PluginType; you you only need Generate P-States and Generate C-States. Do not drop SSDT tables.
  • in CPU tab: uncheck C2/C4/C6
  • in SMBIOS: select any profile then MacBookPro7,1 again
  • in Graphics tab: check "Inject nVidia"

You can ignore the "Unsupported CPU for reporter'" message, it's not causing any harm. Your freezing issue most probably come from un-initialized graphics. The above Clover graphics settings should sort things out. If not, add "Inject EDID" in Graphics tab. nVidia DSDT injection looks fine (though there is a lot to it that's probably not required).

You'v not said anything about the add-on kexts you use. Would be a good idea to post them through a zipped copy of your Clover EFI folder...